60min career coaching + interview prep session

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Supercharge your career with 1:1 coaching + prep:

  • Career coaching:
    • discover your interests and strengths
    • set career goals and create a plan to achieve
    • identify target roles and network/apply to get the interview
  • Interview Prep:
    • learn frameworks and tips to structure your responses to common problems
    • get real-life interview practice from a seasoned PM interviewer
    • get the jitters out so you perform your best

I have mentored and prepped hundreds of people over the past 10 years to help them achieve their career goals. I have also generated published content on wide ranging career topics that have been viewed >50k times:

My sessions are ~2-4x cheaper than career coaching / interview prep offered by professional career coaches (often $600+/hr) who often have never worked at a tech company or startup before as a PM. This is a similar price compared to cookie cutter interview prep offered by companies like IGotAnOffer who accept basically any product manager.

I do this because I'm passionate about helping the next wave of product managers and hackers make technology better, with a focus on diversity, equity, inclusion, and health.

Message me directly if you would like a bulk discount, group rate, or other special circumstance (FGLI, URM, etc.): lucyyin6@gmail.com

Upon purchasing, you will receive an email with scheduling instructions.

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60min 1:1 with me for career coaching and interview prep*********** Discover your interests and strengths, set career goals and create a plan to achieve them, indentify target roles and network/apply to get the interview, frameworks and tips to structure your responses, real-life interview practice from a seasoned PM interviewer, get the jitters out so you perform your best

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60min career coaching + interview prep session

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